Your Group Run Your Way
In OpenSobriety, you’re free to run your group your way, consistent with these basic guidelines:
- The safety and anonymity of individual members should be respected and given high priority.
- Publication in our meeting list is at the sole discretion of OpenSobriety. Meetings may be removed if they are not conducted in a legal and civil manner, or if we deem them unsafe for individuals attending. In practice, this still gives you wide latitude – secular, spiritual, religious, special interest or not. It’s up to you.
Beyond that, it’s up to the group. Pray, or don’t. Recite poetry, pet horses, complain about religion or practice one. Have lots of ceremony, or none at all. Work, play, or bang on the drum all day – it’s all good.
There’s an About page at a mere 45 words that you can use as a preamble if you’d like, but you don’t have to. We encourage you to experiment with different formats – even from week to week if you want. We’re happy to list more details about your meeting format if you provide them to us.